Friday 28 February 2014

Texturing so far for 'Heart of the Tree' 3rd yr project

After never really using mudbox to much before this is actually really fun! This project wants a quite painted way of texturing so I started doing their tests for it using ptex. It's taken me a while to get to grips with it but here is what I  have done so far this week:

Sunday 23 February 2014

Concept I've painted for a city scene title sequence in a new project "Deep"

The bottom of the city is meant to look slightly like London but dark and more 'sepia'. I did a very simple take to get an understanding of light.

Concept art for Pre-production anti gravity starting point

The starting point was anti-gravity. I looked at many different artists and photos for inspiration. I didn't want too go a typical sci-fi way with this so went a much more abstract and surreal way.
This is my pinterest board of inspiration:

Anti-gravity moodboard

This was my first concept:

Textures for "Heat of the tree" assets

My original design for style for exterior desert bark for a tree

With some feedback asking to make the texture more cutout style I tried here:

Sunday 9 February 2014

"You said, We did" animation for the FXU (Falmouth uni student union)

So i've been researching and coming up with concepts for a animation/ series of animations I am doing for the FXU. The client gave me a 3 page document of the info that need to be in the animation, told me that each animation needs to be 3-4 min and let me pretty much run free with concepts.

Due to the particual info they have previded me with I thought a public service style animation would be perfect for it. Using infographic techniques and using illustrator for making the assets and after effects for animating and ocmpositing.


I haven't used much of illustrator before and i'm pretty much a newbie in After Effects, so i'm challenging myself to basically learn them by using them in this project.

So far i've come up with a few ideas for different parts of the title and first few points in the script. I drew out my ideas for assets to then make into vector graphics.

I then came up with a colour palette that I feel represents the FXU's colours and falmouth.

And I have just started to make some assets in illustrator.They are taking some time because i'm quite a novice so i'm really experimenting with different techniques. Here are a few:


Friday 7 February 2014

Colour test for background for 3rd year project "The Boer"

I was given these three images as a moodboard and I had to make a colour pallete for "The Boer" shot 3 background (which i'll be doing next week). Alex (director of The Boer" gave me a lot of freedom on this but he specifically wanted it to be sun set and each colour had to have a hint of purple.

These are my colour tests. Once Alex has chosen one I will start doing the background.

Asset sketches for 3rd year project "Heart of the tree" desert exterior