Saturday 31 August 2013

New sketchbook update

I've opted for an A5 sketchbook this time and my Mum decided black was boring and decided to jazz it up a bit with handmade paper. Mothers are useful, they give you life then make your books look "arty farty."  If you are interested in sketchbooks like this one contact me and I shall forward you ze woman I call mother.

Few sketches from today. Mainly looking at Rubens drawings as reference material.

Brilliant site that helps you with colour palettes

Friday 16 August 2013

Bedouin woman.

Update 4:

Update 3

Update: Around 4hrs in now. ( I need to work on this speed thing)

I've spent about 3hrs on it so far and will carry on, It leads a hell of a lot more work and layering.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Day 2

With this one I feel like it's too much highlight and should have more shadows yet I seem to have improved from yesterday.