Saturday 24 May 2014

Pre-production bible

For my final  production bible i created a series of concepts of how my designs could work being projected onto a certain space. As I hand made the bible and research bible and they are now handed in I  wont be able to upload my entire bible just yet but I will get pictures of my designs soon.

Friday 23 May 2014

Finla Render of the title sequence

Really proud of our group for finishing and making the title sequence look this good!

Thursday 8 May 2014

More texturing

Alan who has been working on another seen asked me to put details and dirt on his texures. So today I've been grunging.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Deep Project Texturing

So Texturing has npow started for our project since modelling has been done. We have to texture a whole city so we are cheating as much as we can get away with (duplicating buildings, duplicating textures, dark lighting, using projection cameras instead of uv's etc). This was my first go at using a projection for a texture. I will next be using uv's.
(It will look better at the end with lighting etc)