Tuesday 30 October 2012

Walk cycle and straight walk test.

I based the walk cycle test on a model walk and the straight walk on a "normal" walk. It still needs some work but so far i'm pretty happy.

Thursday 25 October 2012

Stretch and squash

These are my first tries at a bounching ball with stretch and squash. One is a football and the other a bowling ball. I worked out timings with small thumbnail sketeches.

Next time I will put a sized reference picture of the ball on the bottom layer so that I keep the right size all the way through.

Friday 19 October 2012


The task was people watching. Looking at their body language, how they interact but with animals for heads.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Life drawing 2

This was one brilliant session that even included a flood. I have come to the conclusion that I really need to work on getting the simple information on to paper a lot quicker as I seem to find the 2 min and less poses really hard. Practise is what I will be doing. Oh and looking more at the spine to get the nice curves of the body.

Monday 15 October 2012

Bit of analogue shooting.

Tho i'm doing a digital course I'm a big fan of film. BIG fan. I like how you have to understand the concepts of light, shutter speed, aperture and framing a shot. I think taking a pictures with an analogue camera (mainly a 120 format) has made me appreciate framing (due to film prices being ridiculous, even on ebay). Here are some photos around and about falmouth since moving here:

Monday 8 October 2012

Life drawing week 1

After a summer without life drawing it was a shock to the system but this weeks lesson has slowly brought back what I know about anatomy and made it much more interesting and relevant. 

20 min pose concentrating on light

Drawing done without looking at the paper and only the model. I tried to concentrate on the hands as I find them the hardest thing to draw but they kind of just came out as claws.

Very quick 2min poses (I really need to work on timing when drawing quickly)

Morphing exersise

My first task so far studying Digital animation at university is to take an imgae from somebody and morph it into my image in just 12 frames; all hand drawn. I have never hand drawn animation before so I did some small pre-production to try to understand how I was going to make it a seemles morph. I created a small rough storyboard that concentrated on the key frams (the first fram, 6th frame and 12th frame). Although I did not completely stick to the storyboard I did continuously refer back to it.


For my first drawn animation I am pretty happy about it, though I think I had too much empty space in some of the inbetween frames.