Monday 28 October 2013

Pre-production task

Me and Zoe were given the phrase "Cut to the chase" and "shopping channel" and an hour to come up with an idea and pitch it.

Interesting explanation of mine a zoe's journey taken from her blog (

"Initially we were at a loss and then it came to us like rain in a drought. (Artistic imagery there..) We decided it would be amusing to do a teleshopping channel dedicated to criminals/terrorists/all things bad. We could play heavily and amusingly on stereotypes, although we did tame ourselves a bit as we didn't want to insult anyone...

Turned out however that Derek and Kathy thought if anything we should be more outrageous and have some sort of climax, which i think will be really really fun to think over! It's a really fun idea that i have spent a large amount of time laughing over.

Here is our rough anamatic thus so far, a lot, and i mean a lot of work needs to be done but i think its got the bare bones of something that could be quite witty." - Zoe Wakefield


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